Saturday, September 10, 2011


what a whirlwind 10 days.

it's barely been 10 days since i got word that my grandfather died.

and 7 days since his memorial service.

luckily his memorial service was more of a celebration of him.  great music, hundreds of his friends and a good mix of family and old friends.

one of which was my great aunt patsy, my recently widowed grandmother's sister.  we hung out a good bit at the service and during the visitation.  then i walked her to my car and i drove her back to my grandmother's house to her car.  we chatted and laughed the whole way.

she has always been a huge influence in my life and immensely important to me.

sadly, we got word sunday afternoon that she had died.

so, in 6 days my family lost the 2 sweetest people anyone could ever imagine.

needless to say, i am crushed.  heartbroken.  lost.

i've lost the one person who was always my champion.  always told me i should try something.  always told me i could do it even when i thought i couldn't.  and always put a positive spin on the worst situations.  and bottom line, loved me unconditionally.

she was without exaggeration, the most amazingly kind and giving woman you could ever meet.  she also had the greatest sense of humor with a good dose of sarcasm.

she was smart, forward thinking, open-minded and above all, positive.

everyone loved her.  she had no enemies, only dear friends.  despite having lost her husband close to 30 years ago, surviving cancer 20+ years ago and the effects it left on her body, she did more to help and uplift people in a year than i or anyone i know has done in a lifetime.  not a day went by that she did not volunteer at the hospital, the american cancer society, the ethics committee at her hospital, or some other organization needing her time.  she crocheted countless baby caps and blankets for the hospital for children in need.  and always visited any and all friends that were sick.  her involvement never stopped.

truly selfless.

i will miss her dearly.

and i cannot think of my life without her in it.  it just won't ever be the same...

patsy @ xmas 2009

patsy and bill on their wedding day

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