Saturday, July 31, 2010

100 years


100 years.

that is how old my grandfather would be today if he were still alive.

he died in 1976 when i was 13 months old.  needless to say, i do not remember him but i wish i did.

happy birthday hww, sr.

here he was back in the day.

i love you portland.

for people that do things like this:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

department of no moving lines

i've been studying the oregon handbook in order to get my oregon license.  i believe it might be my least favorite thing to do.  or one of them.

i hate the dmv.

i mean, HATE the dmv.

i remembering studying for the california one after being told that it was notoriously hard.  and it was.  luckily i passed.

it's not just the test though.  it's the hassle of dealing with the dmv.

the lines.  oh, the lines.

in california you can make an appointment.  sounds great, right?

in theory, yes.

you still have to wait an eternity!  the appointments are pointless.

back to oregon.  the test is hard.  the lines are long.  and my patience is thin.

the book is full of sentences like this:

um, really?

it's ridiculous.  but it must be done and i'm ready to be done with it.


after attempting the dmv today and getting nowhere in the line, lee and i decided to go to get some dindin.

she wanted to go to thai herbs in multnomah village.

we sat outside and shared pad see ew with tofu.  pretty yummy.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

loving this song...

"Dear Julia" by John Epperly

e l e m e n t 7 5 necklace featured in an etsy treasury

check it out on my e l e m e n t 7 5 blog!



strange dreams.

even though i've been out of school for, um, quite some time i still have dreams about it.

usually it's i can't remember my combination to my locker or i do not think i have enough credits to graduate and i cannot find any of my professors to help me figure out if that is the case.

in last night's, i was in a class at the end of the year and someone mentioned lockers needing to be cleaned out.  i realized that i had forgotten to clean my locker out in the photo building and it was the last day of classes.  ahhh!

i ran up to the professor (although it was more like my high school gym teacher) and asked if i could run over there to catch one of my photo professors before school was out to help me get into my locker.  see once again, i forgot the combo and needed help remembering.

the professor/gym teacher said no.  even though it was the last day and we weren't doing anything.

i begged.  i didn't want to lose all of my equipment that i had in there.

she still said no.

i then called her a f%*king b$#*h.

oops.  that definitely did not help the situation.

and now i cannot remember the rest.

not like it's really thrilling and you are sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to find out the rest of the story.

anyway, i hate these dreams.  they are full of panic and worry and anxiety.

yes, i know they are fueled by something that is going on in my life.  i just wish they would leave my sleepytime alone.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

e l e m e n t 7 5 jewelry featured on a blog

one of my e l e m e n t 7 5 bracelets was just featured on a blog today.  it's called Hundy & Undy - decor & fashions under $100.  pretty cool concept so go check it out!

Monday, July 26, 2010


i walked along the waterfront today and ended up by the salmon street springs.  i couldn't help but stop and watch the kids play.

as i turned back while walking away, i saw a rainbow...

smallest park in the world

revisiting my love of the website roadside america, i decided to check out the "world's smallest park" according to the guinness book of world records.

it happens to be located right here in portland and apparently i've passed it several dozen times since i've been here.

if you blink, you'll miss it.

from the looks of it it's smaller than i manhole cover.

and it's literally in the middle of the road in the middle of a crosswalk.

underwhelmed? was i.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


there is some relief with the heat.  it's 11:33pm and it's finally cooling off.  tomorrow should be much better and i couldn't be more happy about it.

i walked through the farmer's market today but did not spend too much time there.  it was packed and as crazy as it sounds, i was lacking patience.

checked the mail today and there was the latest issue of portland monthly with the feature article being "63 things every portlander must do".

it got me thinking about all the parts of the city that i want to try to explore.

i wanted to get out of the house so i checked out one of my favorite websites.  i referenced this site quite a bit when i drove across the country.  i love the odd and quirky and that's what they focus on.

i picked out the paul bunyon statue in the north part of the city.

it's enormous and the street signs help put it in perspective.

and what is that building in the background you ask?

why it's the dancing bare strip club.  and they are now featuring new a/c!  what a relief.

drove by the waterfront on the way home and it was packed.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

enough with the heat

the weather has been great lately..... until today.

i believe the high was 94 and the same for tomorrow.  can't wait.

it's one thing to be that hot.  it's another thing to be that hot with no air conditioning.  the fans just blow hot air like a convection oven.  wtf?!

it's 6:23pm now and it's still 92.  the hottest part of the day here is the late afternoon and evening.  i'm counting the hours until it cools!

luckily it will be cooler starting monday and it can't get here quick enough.

lee finished work around noon today so we decided to try a new place out that we've been wanting to go.

it's in the NE section on a pretty cool street.  food was incredible.  i do not think i've had bad food in pdx yet.

lee forgot stuff at the hospital (shocker) so we road up to OHSU on the hill.  it has to be the nicest hospital i've ever been in and it has an incredible view.  and it's the county hospital!

we decided to ride the aerial tram down for the hell of it.  i've done it before but it's always a nice ride.  lee rides it all the time for work but whatevs.

mt hood was actually visible today which is a rarity here.

and a fuzzy closeup.

mt st helens.

more city views.

this is an old church that was converted into a book store that recently caught on fire.  the owner had recently quit paying his insurance due to lack of funds.  he lost everything...

more tram pics...

station at the bottom.

heading back up.

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