strange dreams.
even though i've been out of school for, um, quite some time i still have dreams about it.
usually it's i can't remember my combination to my locker or i do not think i have enough credits to graduate and i cannot find any of my professors to help me figure out if that is the case.
in last night's, i was in a class at the end of the year and someone mentioned lockers needing to be cleaned out. i realized that i had forgotten to clean my locker out in the photo building and it was the last day of classes. ahhh!
i ran up to the professor (although it was more like my high school gym teacher) and asked if i could run over there to catch one of my photo professors before school was out to help me get into my locker. see once again, i forgot the combo and needed help remembering.
the professor/gym teacher said no. even though it was the last day and we weren't doing anything.
i begged. i didn't want to lose all of my equipment that i had in there.
she still said no.
i then called her a f%*king b$#*h.
oops. that definitely did not help the situation.
and now i cannot remember the rest.
not like it's really thrilling and you are sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to find out the rest of the story.
anyway, i hate these dreams. they are full of panic and worry and anxiety.
yes, i know they are fueled by something that is going on in my life. i just wish they would leave my sleepytime alone.