Tuesday, August 23, 2011


after putting this off for, well, years, i'm looking for someone to help with designing a logo and overhauling my blog/website.

you didn't think this was the final look, did you?

child please.

i have better taste than this.  i just haven't found the patience/time to do it for myself.

so, if you know someone who is good, hit me up.

but please only send me people with good taste.  < ======  super important.


email to ===>  info [at] element75 [dot] com

Friday, August 19, 2011

i'm back....again.

ok, so i realize i've been m.i.a. again.  i've been taking a bit of a summer breather and reassessing where i want to take this blog.

i know you've been impatiently watching tumbleweeds blow across my blog.  i get it.  it makes you sad and all.

i swear to do better so no tears, okay?

smooches to all who've been waiting with baited breath for my super meaningful words.

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